To eliminate the dependence of the field estimate on anatomy, an iterative approach is employed to estimate both the multiplicative bias field and the distribution of the true tissue intensities. This article is concerned with nonparametric statistical analysis of landmark based size-and-shape data and shape data in which each observation x (x 1,, x k) consists of k > p points in p dimension, called a k-ad, representing k locations on an object. Described as nonparametric nonuniform intensity normalization (N3), the method is independent of pulse sequence and insensitive to pathological data that might otherwise violate model assumptions. Statistics, Nonparametric Models, Statistical Biometry Data Interpretation, Statistical Models, Genetic Chromosome Mapping Bayes Theorem Pedigree Likelihood Functions Monte Carlo Method Sample Size Reproducibility of Results Matched-Pair Analysis Statistics as Topic Biostatistics Regression Analysis Sensitivity and Specificity.

The method has the advantage that it can be applied at an early stage in an automated data analysis, before a tissue model is available. Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment 75. These methods have been able to tackle various applications such as speech recognition. Journal: IEEE Transactions on Medical ImagingĪ novel approach to correcting for intensity nonuniformity in magnetic resonance (MR) data is described that achieves high performance without requiring a model of the tissue classes present. Statistical methods have become more and more popular in signal and image processing over the past decades. A nonparametric method for automatic correction of intensity nonuniformity in MRI data Author: Sled, J.G. Nonparametric Statistics on Manifolds and Their Applications to Object Data Analysis provides one of the first thorough treatments of the theory and methodology for analyzing data on manifolds.